The main quest is started by visited the ruins of Helgen, where you'd encounter Alduin at a nearby camp site. Example starts include being a patron at an inn, being a fresh recruit at one of the guilds, going through the default main quest prison cart ride to Helgen, and being a vampire in a vampire lair. Posted 13 July 2012, updated 13 November 2013Ĭhoose from a set of starting scenarios through dialog (you talk to a statue). Here are all the alternate start mods I know of with some stats, descriptions, and impressions.Īlternate Start - Live Another Life [> 700,000 unique downloads A lot of mods work best with a fresh character, and doing the Helgen sequence over and over just to test new mods gets tiring.
I'm in the midst of a modding binge, and the latest class of mods I'm looking at are alternate starts.